in Education

The Nor’wester Therapy Dog organization is partnering with the Newtown Campus of Bucks County Community College to offer their COMFORT DOGS ON CAMPUS program via The Accessibility Office (TAO) under the direction of Jennifer Osinski and Deborah Hoelper. The purpose of the program is to use Nor’wester therapy dog teams to provide emotional support during high stress times such as exams and other rigors of college life.
Many students congregate in the Solarium to chill out with the dogs and their handlers prior to taking exams. As expected, the dogs are rock stars! In addition to students, BCCC staff and faculty also stop by for some dog therapy.

Two students shared:
Abby Blank, 19, from Holland, PA. accidentally came upon the dogs and stopped in to say hello. She said,” I was in a bad mood after a rough final exam, and spending time with the dogs made my day!”
Max Charney, from Solebury, PA. had just finished two grueling exams in world geography and macroeconomics. He figured some dog time would be just the ticket before heading into his third and last exam in environmental science. “It’s a great decompressor, said Max. The dogs just soak up your attention and don’t give you any static. There is something so simple and relaxing about them.”