in Education
Volunteer Forms
Follow the links below for forms:
Volunteers with Dogs
Therapy Dog Handler Application
Volunteers without Dogs
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Nor’wester organization accepts the three Pennsylvania clearances as long as they are valid within the 5 year mandate. Please be aware that some facilities/school districts set their own regulations and may require your clearances dated within the year.
These can be done electronically. If you do not have access to a computer, find someone who can assist you.
If you are applying to participate in the Nor’wester Therapy Dogs program, you are required to submit proof of three Pennsylvania clearances:
- PA Child Abuse History
- PA State Police Criminal History Record
- FBI Fingerprint Record
There is NO CHARGE for the Child Abuse History and the State Police Criminal Background Check for school volunteers. There is a fee for the FBI Fingerprint clearance. When you receive the three clearances, please make two copies of each and send to Lyn Bauer along with your application. One will be kept in our files, and one will be submitted to the school district where you volunteer. In some cases, you may be asked to provide copies of your clearances, so please file your originals in a safe place. These clearances are good for FIVE YEARS from the date of receipt UNLESS you transfer to a new school district. In this case, you will most likely be asked to provide new clearances IF your current ones are more than a year old.
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification
There is NO CHARGE for the background check for volunteers
Create “Individual Account.” The KEYSTONE KEY is a user-name you create. Follow the step by step instructions for creating a password. Be sure to keep a record of your KEYSTONE KEY and PASSWORD as you will need them to access your results. You will receive an email from the site when your results are available, usually within 14 days of submission.
If you are having difficulty with the online registration, you can print out a hard copy, complete it, and U.S. Mail it to the Childline & Abuse Registry in Harrisburg, PA.
A PDF of the hard copy is available here.
**NOTE: (For current NWTD volunteers who are renewing Child Abuse clearances before 57 months have elapsed)
Contact Deborah Glessner to request a “payment code” which will waive the $13 fee.
- Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check
There is NO CHARGE for the background check for volunteers
Click on NEW RECORD CHECK (volunteers only)
Complete electronic form and follow directions.
Click the “Certification Form” link to view, save, and print your official certificate.
- FBI Fingerprint Clearance (IdentoGO)
There is a fee for the FBI background check provided via PA Dept. of Education
The SERVICE CODE for volunteers is 1KG6XN
Enroll online at IdentoGo and make an appointment for fingerprinting at a location of your choice.
NOTE: The Nor’wester organization DOES NOT need your Fingerprint card. We need a copy of the background check officially confirming your clearance.
NOTE: (For current NWTD volunteers who are renewing FBI Fingerprint clearances)
If the school district accepts the volunteer affidavit and you have been a resident of Pennsylvania for 10 or more years, this affidavit will be accepted in lieu of the FBI Fingerprint Clearance. Notification will be provided by the Nor’wester organization if you qualify as per the district where you are volunteering.
Click here to access a printable copy of the affidavit. Complete it and take it to be witnessed and signed by a Notary Public.
Use this affidavit if volunteering in Council Rock School District.
The ORIGINAL copy of the affidavit needs to be given to the Nor’wester Therapy Dog organization as this is what is required by the school districts.