By Shelby Wetzel Crawford and her kids
More letters from the kids. . .

Patrick is something that I look forward to because I had a dog come in my classroom before. It is so cool to have a dog in your classroom. I like Patrick coming into my class. Scarlett

Patrick is so amazing and so good for us. I just cannot have to match with them. And the least one I love. Natalie

Patrick makes me feel at home, makes me a better reader, and helps me focus better. Patrick helps me stay on task, and Patrick makes me focus on what I’m supposed to be doing in class. He makes me feel confident and comfortable reading out loud and reading slowly so I can read the words and not rush. Cody

Patrick helped me this year because… he helped me when I felt sad!!!! He is so cute!!!! He helps me to be a better reader!!!!! He lays on me!!! That’s how he helped me this year!!!!!!!! Alia

Patrick, you have made me feel comfortable to be near dogs. You also make it feel easier to write stuff. Patrick helps me be a star student, and you are really loveable and cute (That is why I love Patrick). Ava

Patrick is so good. He has helped me read out loud to my friends and class. He helped me to not be afraid of big dogs. He helped me to remember about my Grandpa and his two dogs. Benedetta

Patrick has helped me because I have three dogs. Two of them recently passed away, and it helps me to be around dogs. Working with dogs just makes me feel better. Henry